Complimentary Coaching Healing Intensive

16 March 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

Guilt and Shame Healing

Karen Robinson, MSW, ACSW, LCSW, CCTP-II

Trauma Recovery Expert



I'm Karen,

Licensed therapist with 25 years of clinical experience specializing in trauma recovery, anxiety, and depression. I provide holistic care to create transformation and healing for trauma survivors.

Are you tired of carrying the heavy burden of guilt and shame?

Have these negative emotions been holding you back from living your best life?

If so, I invite you to join my FREE "Guilt and Shame Healing" Intensive Coaching Session. A transformative event to help you release and heal from the weight of guilt and shame. I will guide you through a transformative process that will empower you to let go of these damaging emotions.

Coping strategy

Personalized guidance and support to help you overcome feelings of guilt and shame.

Heal Thrive Dream

Guidance on how to cultivate self-compassion and self-forgiveness, allowing you to let go of negative self-judgment and embrace self-love.


Experience a deep healing process that addresses the root causes of guilt and shame, leading to lasting emotional freedom and peace of mind.

Build resilience and inner strength through transformative healing practices, empowering you to navigate life's challenges with confidence and grace.

"Guilt and shame are heavy chains that no one deserves to wear. Break free and embrace forgiveness and self-compassion."

HTD Coaching Intensive

Here is what to expect:

  • Learn more about the heavy burden of guilt and shame.
  • You have an opportunity to share from your experience.
  • You have the option of purchasing a beautiful notebook for your notes and reflections.
  • Be part of a beautiful, supportive community.
  • Everyone leaves with a hope filled, non-overwhelming action plan.

Sign up now!

Embrace healing, self-forgiveness, and reclaim the peace and happiness you truly deserve. Take the first step and start your healing journey!

"Allow yourself to Release the burden of guilt and live shame FREE."

Healing Coaching Intensive

Guilt and Shame Healing


by Karen Robinson, Msw, acsw, LCSW, cctp-ii

Heal Thrive Dream

What Clients Say About Karen

Forever Thankful

The CBT program Karen did for me was fantastic. Not only did I have fewer trauma-induced nightmares, I became more able to talk about my childhood and relationship with my mother without experiencing anxiety and pain. My favorite exercise was the one where I analyzed the utility of certain thoughts or beliefs, ultimately discarding so many things that were upsetting me as not useful. There were times when I felt like I wanted to give up, but Karen was great at helping to keep me motivated and accountable. At the end, I felt better equipped and more energized to take on life!


Private Client

Forever Grateful

“I met Ms. Robinson after I was assaulted. My sessions with her will impact me for a long time as I needed help and an environment that would allow me to express myself without reservation and judgement. Ms. Robinson provided exactly that, Some of the qualities of Ms. Robinson that stood out to me were that she was very empathetic, easy to talk to, authentic, reliable and a good listener.”


Private Client

Forever Enriched

“Thank you for caring so much about me. I was so touched by your concern when I shared my upcoming medical test with you. I am so grateful that God blessed me with you, and I will never forget how you made me feel. My life will forever be enriched from this experience!”


Private Client

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Is it Possible to Heal After Being Abused by Clergy or Church Leaders?

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