Going Home Strong for the Holidays

Find your joy!

(Dealing with family + visits when you really don't want to!)

Find your workshop information, additional resources, and your recordings here. (Replay located at bottom).

Home Strong for Holiday workshop (600 × 600 px)

Zoom Login for Live Workshop

Dec 4th 1-2:30pm ET - Please use this link to join the workshop
If asked, password is: 166732

Dec 17th 9-10:30am ET - Please use this link to join us for this session of the workshop 
If asked, password is: 356462

You can attend one or both sessions - whichever fits your schedule.

Slides (PDF) Workshop

December 4th 1-2:30pm ET   and/or  December 17th  9-10:30am ET 

Bonus Resources Below

Your Video Recording: