You Rock!

Thank you for your interest❤️

I'm just a tad bit excited you are interested in participating in my very first summit! The working title is something like this: 

In Recognition of Domestic Violence Prevention Awareness Month

Creating Peace After Trauma

Below, you will see a form to complete that will help me decide if you will be a good fit for our current program. 

Logistical information that may answer questions you have:

Summit Dates: October 26th and 27th

Times: TBD

Pre-launch Dates: October 19th-25th

I am looking for speakers for live presentations on summit days.

I am also accepting recordings to accommodate speakers who have traditional work hours. 

All presentations and/or demonstrations must be trauma sensitive (no requests for closing your eyes unless offering alternatives, trigger warnings where appropriate, avoid excessive details, focus on healing aspects. 

Presentation length: 20-30 minute with clear action steps. Consider saving 5 minutes for Q&A.

I am also looking for speakers who would like to facilitate self-care activities. What I'm looking for:  5-10 minute activity (deep breathing, meditation, stretching, vagus nerve exercise, affirmation practice, quick physical exercise move, make a healthy meal or smoothie, self-care routine, journal exercise, creative project).

There will be a survivor panel for Q&A.

Watch your email for more info!

If you have questions, please email me at:

Thank you!

Karen 😍

Speaker Interest Form

Speaker Interest Form

Do you want to present live or submit a recording?
Do you want to lead a 5-10 minute self care activity?
Are you willing to fully promote this event?
Do you wish to participate on the survivor panel? Must be a DV survivor to participate

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