Going Home Strong for the Holidays
Find Your Joy!
Tips for Dealing with Family Trauma Workshop
with Karen
Dec 4th 1-2:30pm ET
Dec 17th 9-10:30am ET

Yes, You CAN Enjoy the Holidays On YOUR Terms!
Does the holiday season leave you stressed, burnt out, feeling panicky instead of joyful?
You're dreading those holiday visits but feel obligated to go because it's "good for the family" or "it's the right thing to do." Except your family was (still is!) dysfunctional, and it doesn't feel 'right' during visits at holiday times - it feels worse!
Karen here, and I want you to know you're not alone! I know I'm not alone in stressing, panicking, and dreading a regression back to childhood patterns when faced with holiday time and visits with our dysfunctional families.
The triggers of smells from burning wood, too much cinnamon, or mildew from an older, neglected home.
Looking around and seeing too much snow, the old barn, the tacky wallpaper, far-away neighbors, and it all brings up painful memories instead of a cheery greeting card scene.
Or how hearing familiar voices has you remembering the sneering, jeering, or belittling moments of emotional abuse or criticism.
What's your story?
But they're real.
And it's no wonder you're feeling anxious about holiday visits and the pressure to conform to family 'traditions'!
We can feel moody, anxious, or trapped during these holiday visits we feel pressured to have.
I've learned holiday coping and survival skills through my personal and professional experience with trauma. I know how to handle these triggers, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors around families.
The good news is you're an adult and you have more power and control over the whole holiday situation than you may think!
I want to bring the joy back! Let's Go Home Strong for the Holidays - My Top Tips for Dealing with Family Trauma ... So You Can Survive the Holidays.
This is a live, coaching workshop for you! Just in time for you to handle this season and take back control and experience joy, freedom, or peace.
Going Home Strong for the Holidays
(for When You Have to Visit Family + Don't Want To)
Live Coaching Workshop - December 4th 1:00 - 2:30 pm ET
And/Or December 18th 9-10:30am ET
Holidays Aren't Always 'All About Family'
You don't want to go home or have a big family visit, but you keep hearing that you should. You feel obligated to do 'the right family thing'. You feel miserable with no holiday joy.
Good news, you're an adult and you DO have control over the situation. Remember, "NO" is an option!
Learn practical coping skills you can use right now, and for months to come!
You CAN Learn the Skills to Enjoy Holidays on Your Terms
In this workshop we will cover:
- Boundaries
- Support Systems
- Positive self-talk
- Personal comfort and care
- And even practical, in-the-moment role plays!
Discover the Crucial Coping Skills to Help You Handle the Holidays- Bring Less Stress and More Joy
This live workshop plus resources and recordings is normally $249.
BUT you can get it for just $47!
You can come to one or both days of the coaching workshop and be prepared to find more joy in your holidays.
Just click the button to enter your info and save your seat.