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Trauma Research Foundation Organization
This foundation covers everything from school shootings, recovering from child abuse to how to use drama/theater in your recovery. I highly recommend signing up for their newsletter. One of the articles I am particularly thrilled about My Wishes for The Practice of Journalism Around Trauma. The author discusses more dignified coverage with ethical practice and less intrusiveness. I found the read very hopeful.
One annoyance but common practice is they only list therapists in their directory trained by them, and very specific training certification at that. I’m considering The Traumatic Stress Studies Certificate Program but only after I finished the current 9 month training program titled The Healing Trauma Recovery Program. I’m not an affiliate for either program.
Book Club - I have participated in two book clubs so far with the foundation and both were rewarding. I was a guest panelist one time for each book. You can watch the book discussions on their YouTube channel. The books I participated in include the number 1 rated trauma recovery book of all time: The Body Keeps the Score by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk and No Bad Parts by Dr. Richard Schwartz which breaks down the parts in his well known Internal Family Systems Modal. If you are a survivor but not a therapist, I strongly recommend working in this book while under psychiatric care for support.
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Foundation
What is complex post traumatic stress disorder? The answer is on the first page of their blog site: “Complex PTSD comes in response to chronic traumatization over the course of months or, more often, years. This can include emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuses, domestic violence, living in a war zone, being held captive, human trafficking, and other organized rings of abuse, and more. While there are exceptional circumstances where adults develop C-PTSD, it is most often seen in those whose trauma occurred in childhood”.
This organization offers trauma informed coaching. Please be mindful of their credentials. Trauma informed is not the same as trauma competent. What I do like about their coaching is that they are clear in stating they aren’t trained therapists (although some could be). They work on goal setting, habits, setting boundaries, life management, etc.
There blog accepts guest writers and survivors are welcome to share their stories or poetry and research articles. Lots of great info here to check out. This foundation offers support calls and host a livestream on Mondays. What I really love about their blog posts is that most are written by survivors.
Beating Trauma Blog
The author, Ms. Elisabeth is both a social worker and a trauma recovery coach and thus was drawn to her blog since we share credentials. In her writing, she does a wonderful job breaking down and describing her journey with understanding her parts, especially those in conflict with each other. She explains in a clear cut way how our parts are protective of us and thus easily defensive. Understanding their roles unlocks some of the mystery of what we need to create safety wise before progressing in our healing. Her story of sexual abuse including being trafficked by her parents is heartbreaking. I nearly fell out of my chair when she boldly, bravely cited that her father trafficked her out to Marines outside of Quantico Marine Base as a CHILD. I am in awe of her speaking her truth.
Washington Post DOJ Article about Elisabeth’s advocacy efforts
Elisabeth also offers writing and parenting workshops. She is worth following!
Woven Together Trauma Therapy Blog
What I love about this blog is that it has elements that other blogs don’t seem to consider yet (at least to my knowledge). This blog has articles on immigration trauma, LGBTQIA and mental health, religious trauma, developmental traumas, etc. I’m super impressed with the diversity and inclusiveness in their blog articles. I’ve sampled a few but I’m eager to dig in and read more!
Woven Together offers four different quizzes, consultation, ketamine therapy (for survivors in California), many therapy modalities are offered in group or individual sessions. Intensives are offered on EMDR and Brainspotting as well. I’m curious and haven’t learned enough about brainspotting yet. It helps with feeling more grounded which is a must for trauma recovery and feeling safe.
Manitoba Trauma Information and Education Centre
"Everyone has a right to have a present and future that are not completely dominated and dictated by the past" ~ Karen Saakvitne
This website is funded by Manitoba’s Department of Healthy Living and they have done a fantastic job in building a trauma informed blog for survivors in and out of their community. The blog is chalked full of helpful information and seems like an ideal place for a trauma survivor to start when initially reaching out for help.
The introduction discusses everything to defining trauma, prevalence and the mind body connection. The effects of trauma section discusses most of the possible effects of trauma. It includes traumatic events, the impact across a continuum, how mind body and spirt are all affected, etc.
I love the resiliency section’s discussion on post traumatic growth and mental health. I found it to be hopeful. The Triangle of Wellbeing is based on the work of Dr. Daniel Siegel. Note the significance of relationships for our wellbeing.

Lastly, this blog site has a robust resource section that is worth reviewing and making note of as it includes books, websites, and links to pioneers in trauma recovery.
Thank you for reading and let me know what your favorite trauma recovery website is in the comments! Also share why you selected them!