Thanks! You're Successful Trauma Transformation Workbook Is On It's Way
Take more steps forward on your transformation journey - Walk away from coaching together with a feeling of purpose and passion about life.
Tired of feeling broken and want to learn to trust yourself again?
Success Transformation Coaching Can Help You
Heal and Thrive
Together we will review habits and thinking patterns, looking for ways to take unhealthy and unhelpful thoughts out to the dump and bring in healthier thinking.
Together we walk through the processes and do the work that gets you 'unstuck' and to see measurable, positive, REAL transformations in your daily life.
We do this together by ...
Are You Ready to Transform Your Life By Deeply Healing Wounds from the Past?
Are you constantly questioning yourself? Doubting your memories? Accused of being “dramatic”? Feeling unworthy or empty? Do feelings of inadequacy or imposter syndrome hold you back? Do you question if you are a good person because awful stuff keeps happening to you?
When the emotional + psychological "band-aids" aren't working anymore, personal transformational coaching can help heal the wounds and let you move forward.
Here’s What You’ll Get
When You Sign Up
Coaching with me means you will learn how to track your thinking patterns in order to make the connection of how our thoughts impact how we feel and behave.
I will teach you how to take unhelpful/unhealthy thoughts to the dump and to substitute healthier thinking instead.
The healthier our thoughts, the better we feel, the more we improve our lives.
It is time to stop picking at your scabs and heal your wounds for good.
I will walk you through the process so that you truly transform your life in all the areas you work in with me. It is time to get “unstuck.”
Group coaching includes being a part of a community where you can safely be you with others who “get you.”
Walk away from coaching with the feeling of purpose and passion in your life. To have hope once again.
Here’s what people are saying about working with Karen
Forever enriched
Thank you for caring so much about me. I was so touched with your concern when I shared my upcoming medical test with you. I am so grateful that God blessed me with you and I will never forget how you made me feel. My life will forever be enriched from this experience!

Private Client
Calm and supportive
I have a lot of admiration for Karen. She is one of the most professional persons I’ve worked with and I appreciate her calm and supportive manner.

Private Client
Changed my life
I just completed my first month off insulin and am doing very well. Hit my December goal of being under 200 lbs this morning! Thank you so much, your wonderful work has changed my life and my partner’s. Never dreamed we could be at this point.

K. P.
Private Client
What's in the Success Transformation Coaching Program
Let your visitor know how many modules there are and what each one is about.
Foundation of Safe Trauma Recovery
Each week will have a theme under the umbrella of safe trauma recovery. You may have started this beautiful life of yours with multiple cracks in your childhood foundation that failed to break you but did leave you with a few ragged scars. We will be focusing on rebuilding your foundation through personal safety, boundary setting, self-compassion, and having routines in place. We will also work on skills that will help you feel more secure and comfortable in your own skin.
Relationships, Health, & Wealth
Relationships after trauma can confuse, overwhelm, be scary and often can be conflictual. In this module, you will learn about healthy relationships, how to communicate more effectively, and how to resolve conflict. During our health session, you will understand how trauma causes or effects are physical, mental, and spiritual health. We will introduce healing methods in these areas. Last, you will discover abundance and set wealth in motion with your action plans. Have you dreamt of firing your boss?
Your Transformation Success Path
In your last month, you will not only learn how to continue your transform path through our success formula, but you will also learn about maintenance plans. We will center a huge focus this month on building dreams, planting seeds of hope, having a mustard seed of faith, uncover your passions, discovering your purpose, fine tuning your attitude, and taking massive action. Phew! You have work to do! You are not alone, and we will guide you in each step of your path.
Why Transformational Coaching with Karen Robinson?
Why am I the person to walk this bumpy road of healing and recovery with you?
I have been there and sometimes if I’m brutally honest; I visit there. I grew up in a dysfunctional family where I felt so discouraged and hopeless that as a preteen that I hid razor blades in my clothes and waited for the courage to just end it. When I could no longer take the emotional pain, I made a serious suicide attempt. What would have likely killed most, or at least required a hospitalization, didn't. I woke up despite my pleads for God to just take me. Why didn’t he?
My story is my testimony. I realize I’m here for a bigger purpose than I could ever dream of. I have served thousands of clients during my career and could not envision a more rewarding, fulfilling career.
I learned mind blowing things about the power of abuse over survivors and the long last impact. I also learned about hope and healing. I believe in the possibility of change and true transformation.
I learned I couldn't transform alone. We each need help.
The help a qualified, empathetic coach can provide.
My years of experience are now available to my personal clients. This kind of in-depth, 'rip the band-aids off', 'do-the-work-together' coaching for 3-months would normally cost nearly $3000.
I decided long ago to believe in change. I use my personal and professional experience to lead you through every step of this journey. You no longer have to worry about the next steps to feeling better. I will simply lead you there and you can choose to walk forward to your best life.
How much is a successful transformation from trauma worth to you? How much is joy and lightness of being worth?
Here’s what people are saying about working with Karen
What if I'm not ready for a group setting?
What is the time commitment for coaching?
What does "transformation" mean?
How do I know if I'm ready for transformation coaching?
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