Happy Sunday! Happy March 1st!!

By Karen Robinson

Heal Thrive Dream 

Oh my, it has taken me forever and a day to get my site “up” without bugs! I am coming to terms that my site will be a work in progress since each step of building a blog is a bit more trickier than I could have ever dreamed of. I won't bore you with how many times I have found fonts I like only to learn that they slow down the site or won't upload.. yada yada.

I wanted to get something published today as I'm having several peeps stop in only to find a non working or a gibberish site. So…. my awesome content will be delayed as I keep learning the tech side of blogging. Spent most of the weekend “debugging” and fixing the backend. I'm determined to have a site that will be a warm place to go to get encouragement, support, and some tools for healing. Please bare with me in the meantime! I have plans for therapeutic courses, e-books, workbooks, handouts, etc. to help you wherever you are in your healing journey whether that be from childhood or adult trauma(s), grief/loss, relationship difficulties, occupational or educational duress, etc.

By the way, if you know anyone in Virginia who can help with the tech stuff, please send them my way. I would barter with free coaching or therapy sessions but I'm not allowed.… I'll give them a pie…. better yet, my friend will bake them a pie….

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Karen Robinson

  Karen Robinson  

About the Author

I'm licensed therapist with 25 years of clinical experience. Service driven, specializing in trauma recovery, anxiety, and depression, holistic care, and transformation to create an impact for trauma survivors globally. Services include coaching, therapy, virtual courses, digital products, and on-line memberships.

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