Podcast EP120: Reclaiming Power and Purpose After Trauma with Susan

By Karen Robinson

Heal Thrive Dream 

Discover a powerful narrative of healing and empowerment in Podcast EP120: Reclaiming Power and Purpose After Trauma with Susan. Through sharing her personal experiences, Susan offers valuable insights on overcoming trauma and finding renewed strength within oneself. Be inspired by her story of resilience and determination - click to watch the video now for a dose of hope, motivation, and guidance on reclaiming your own power after facing difficult times.


  • Gain valuable insights and strategies to reclaim your power and purpose after experiencing trauma.
  • Discover practical tips and tools to help you navigate the healing process and move forward with strength and resilience.
  • Feel empowered and supported as you listen to stories of triumph and resilience, knowing that you are not alone in your journey.
Reclaiming Power and Purpose

Introduction to Susan Omilian

Susan Omilian is an attorney, author and motivational speaker who has helped hundreds of women over the last forty years reclaim their lives after abuse. In 1970s, she founded a rape crisis center and in 1980s represented battered women in divorce proceedings. In 1990s, she litigated sex discrimination cases and trained employers about how to stop sexual harassment in the workplace. With the death of her nineteen-year-old niece Maggie killed in 1999 by her ex-boyfriend, Susan vowed to help others move forward after abuse as Maggie could not. Since 2001, Susan has facilitated her free, now virtual, My Avenging Angel WorkshopsTM based on the idea that “living well is the best revenge” to help women take the journey from victim to survivor to “thriver.” The Seven Steps Thriver Zone Motivational Model she developed in her workshops is now included in her Thriver Zone trilogy of books and novels. As a nationally recognized expert on process of recovery after abuse, Susan frequently speaks about her work with survivors, service providers, therapists and victim advocates including those working with Indian tribes, in the military and before male and female in mate audiences. For fifteen years, Susan also facilitated groups with male domestic violence offenders.

Watch the full video of this episode. 

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Karen Robinson

  Karen Robinson  

About the Author

I'm licensed therapist with 25 years of clinical experience. Service driven, specializing in trauma recovery, anxiety, and depression, holistic care, and transformation to create an impact for trauma survivors globally. Services include coaching, therapy, virtual courses, digital products, and on-line memberships.

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